Request for Advertising, Sponsorship or Investment
Who I am - goals, objectives for giving to humanity
Douglas Scott McCarron, a Sole Proprietor
I used to be a mean, angry, self loathing vindictive man. Through therapy, meditation, self examination, real
transformation, I am now calm, self loving, open. I want to share with those that are dark hearted that it is
possible to transform and healed.
My Deepest Purpose
My deepest purpose is to embrace my Humanity, Totality and Unity and that of others - love, abundance
and success, humility and humbleness, gratefulness and thankfulness. To make connection with myself,
other people and beings as well as non beings, and businesses to share the possibility of transformation
for all, to be available to transformation for myself and others, and to be One. You don't have to, you get to.
What I want to create
-- Mix my 45+ years of guitar playing, my transformation, and guidance to create videos and movies about
music and self transformation on the 12+ and growing Social Media sites I am on.
-- I have four more full length movies too shoot about transformation in addition to the one just completed.
– I want to create video exploratory trips to
Spain (Classical and Flamenco guitar, history)
Ireland (History and culture - I am Irish American)
Around the USA and other interesting subjects I find. Share my discovery with my audience, be
informative and entertaining.
-- I created an online course about guitar and music titled “50 Steps to Guitar Greatness.” I mix this topic in
with playing guitar or bass while discussing personal and spiritual growth. Other times I discuss the war in
Ukraine, history, mythology, my journey from being angry to being calm, self loving and peaceful. I want to
provide support and a path to get there.
What's in it for you?
Currently I have 22,000+ connections (growing 25-35 a day) on the internet (see below). I post 1-2 videos a
week. Some sites allow only photos so I post one with a link to the video on YouTube. Depending on our
agreement I could include an image of yours in the video or on the photo that connects to it, or speak a
message provided by you, show your sponsorship at festivals I attend. However you would like to present
yourself. It all depends on our agreement and how exclusive or non exclusive it is.
Where I post on Social Media
Multiple websites. My main ones are:
2275 Connections (gain 25-35 daily)
2921 Connections
11159 Connections
YouTube (slowly building)
63 Connections
Twitter (X)
252 Connections
--plus Tumbler, Discord, Reddit, Printerest and others. Just started Substack and BlueSky. Expanding.
--Myspace - I am told it is dead but I keep getting messages on it - another possible 5358 there.
Not on Tic Toc. WeChat, WhatsApp. The US DOJ is negative about them so I don't use them.
Current overall connections is 22107.
What will I spend on?
Currently I do everything at home. Writing, editing, shooting social media, movies, everything. I've spent
over $30,000 on the needed video and audio equipment as well as editing software and computers.
However I can't do it all. I would hire a couple assistants – one to help generate product, the second a
marketing person. Additionally I would hire “as needed” crew to assist shoots for the four movies and social
media. The team would expand and contract with a few core people. I am technical, charming, warm, but
not extroverted enough as a marketing person so I will find someone who is. I would rent an room roughly
20x20 to shoot scenes, edit, produce reels for actors, edit video and offer my music creating services for
others. I would hire a marketing person to increase distribution and awareness of the products. I currently
do this in my small house but renting a larger room and assistants I could provide great content to my
growing audience who will share with their friends.
My Audience
I have looked through my connections - I appeal to a wide audience with focused yet inclusive products.
Depending on our agreement your placement could be on all my products or be aimed at selected ones.
• Age range
Late Teens 17%, 20-30 35%, 30-40 40%, 40 to mid 50's 8%
• Gender mix
60% Female 40% male
• Income
Low to upper middle class (people love music, self growth, and entertainment)
• Diversity
The only limitation is they need to understand English.
• Education
High School 20%, Bachelor Degree 55%, Above 25%
• Motivations
Learning, improving, growth, travel, expression, money
• Internet use
The vast majority (98-99%) of late teems to age 40 use the internet a lot
• Buying habits
They have the money to spend to get the quality product they seek and get what they
My Ask
– The Big Plan – renting space is good but ideally owning a 3-4 bedroom house with a 3 car garage would
be the best. The garage would make a great sounds stage to shoot in as well as rent to others. The rooms
within the house would be sets, offices, places to sleep for visiting actors. I assert it will take 3-5 years to
really get public awareness. Advertising and Marketing would be about $5 million (mostly online but some
physical). With a house another $2-3 million. Staff and me at $70,000 a year each with 3 of us would be
$210,000 plus taxes about $336,000. Actors, crew, equipment and location rental another $5 million. Legal,
accounting, other professional $1 million plus utilities. That adds up to $15 million.
-The Medium Plan -I would concentrate on Social Media production and offering my services. There is a 17
x 15 room near me for $650 a month or $7800 a year. Add $70,000 for me and a marketing assistant is
another $140,000 a year. Payroll taxes $15,000 a year. Advertising and Marketing $100,000 a year. Utilities
$1200 a month or $14,400 a year. Office and computer maintenance, software, supplies $8,000 equals
$285,200 a year.
-The Small Plan -I would concentrate on the Social Media production and offering my services. Rent the 17
x 15 room near me for $650 a month or $7800 a year. Add $35,000 for me and a marketing assistant is
another $70,000 a year. Payroll taxes in California $7,500 a year. Advertising and Marketing $50,000 a year.
Utilities $1200 a month or $14,400 a year. Office and computer maintenance, software, supplies $8,000
equals $157,700 a year.
-The Really Small Plan -I would concentrate on the Social Media production and offering my services. Stay
in my house so no rent. $45,000 for me and a half time marketing assistant. Payroll taxes in California
$5,000 a year. Advertising and Marketing $5,000 a year. Utilities $120 a month or $1,400 a year. Office and
computer maintenance, software, supplies $300 equals $56,700 a year.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to structuring a workable plan with you.
Douglas Scott McCarron
619-844-1536 (cell and text)
I have created
– six music CD's (Copyrighted LoC) Spanish Classical, Flamenco, Middle Eastern.
– “A Bit Twisted” web series (Copyrighted LoC) on Amazon Prime Video, Asset Creation – FilmHub,
Future Today, OTT Studio, Zvoid. The story of an angry woman on a successful path towards
– “Mystery's Whisper” A 71 minute movie (Copyrighted LoC) currently being audience tested. Can a person
who has done wrong find redemption? What is the difference between the earth and the world?
– “Fifty Steps to Guitar Greatness” - an online course to advance playing Guitar and mucis theory sharing
my over 55 years knowledge. It teaches logical thinking and thus useful in life, business, everything.